Cllr. Mary Mears

BH2020/00002 – Coombe Farm, Westfield Avenue North


3rd August 2020:

As a ward councillor for Rottingdean Coastal I wish to object to the above planning application for the following reasons:


In my view this is a total over development of the site with the proposed 72 houses.


In the Brighton & Hove Urban Fringe Assessment June 2014 site 48 Coombe Farm showed flooding as a key constraint with potential of 2.0 (57%) from a total site are of 3.48 with indicative number of dwelling 50.

Total following site cluster limited to 2.1ha (55 Dwelling ) across sites 48 (Coombe Farm ) 48a 48b and 48c from combined total 71.

This proposed development of 72 houses far exceeds that number cramming 72 on Coombe Farm.


I also have real concerns with regards to flooding, with any development to the rear of the site as this backs up to a very steep bank.


There is a very serious problem with Urban Fridge developments as there is no detail of existing infrastructure, this site at the back of Saltdean will cause even more problems to the area that has only one primary school, the nearest secondary schools are located in Rottingdean or Peacehaven.


Public transport to the back of Saltdean is limited and difficult, with real problems in the winter with ice and snow stopping the busses from running, You would also need to be really fit to cycle as the surrounding areas has very steep hills.

There is a medical centre in Saltdean, but with doctors surgeries already closed in Rottingdean and Woodingdean residents from these areas are travelling to Saltdean medical centre, a development of the size will put more pressure on doctors and dentist in Saltdean.


To build any large development without proper infrastructure is a serious problem for the future, leaving new residents with a home but no local support available, giving them no option but to travel out side of the area onto the busy A259 to access..


As this is a major planning application and will be coming to planning committee, I wish to reserve my right to speak at committee.